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Safety Guards

Our Safety Guards are more than a sneeze guard

Our line of safety guards is so much more than the average sneeze guard. These acrylic shields are versatile, moveable, and offer the ideal solution for social distancing requirements in nearly any setting. We offer hanging models that save precious space on horizontal surfaces, mobile models that can be placed where you need them most, and mounted models for a sturdy, semi-permanent fix. Restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, banks, classrooms, lecture halls, offices, manufacturing facilities, you name it and we have a hygiene barrier for it.

These hanging safety guards with flat acrylic panel from Vollrath® help create a sturdy safety barrier that protects customers and employees alike, without taking up valuable counter space. The acrylic panel creates a shield that guards against airborne contaminants spread by sneezes and other methods.

  • Banks
  • Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Restaurants

These mounted safety guards with flat acrylic panel from Vollrath® help create a sturdy safety barrier that protects customers and employees alike. Simply mount this safety guard using the supplied mounting brackets for a barrier that guards against airborne contaminants spread by sneezes and other methods.

  • Offices
  • Supermarkets
  • Convenience Stores
  • Lecture Halls

The mobile safety guards from Vollrath offer convenient, reliable protection wherever it’s needed most. The flat acrylic panel creates a shield that guards against airborne contaminants, the sturdy base rests easily on any countertop and the lightweight design makes it easy to move as far or frequently as needed.

  • Fast Food Restaurants
  • Cafeterias
  • Retail Stores

Custom safety guards built to your specifications

Need a more customized solution? No problem. We have all of the experience needed to create the perfect custom safety guard for you and the in-house fabrication capabilities needed to get the job done right. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in-touch.

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