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A new standard for clean

Raising the Bar on Cleanliness

Cleanliness has always been a key component in the foodservice world. Afterall, cleanliness and safety go hand-in-hand. But the COVID pandemic has created a new definition of “clean.” Vollrath’s cleaning and sanitary solutions will help you rise to the occasion and raise the bar even higher. Our mobile cleaning and sanitizing products make cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting easier than ever. Our hands-free products minimize contact with doorknobs and our all-natural antimicrobial utensils ward off bacteria without the need for harsh chemicals.

Almost all cleaning jobs require water or sanitizer. The problem is: these two items aren’t always readily available in the places that need to be cleaned. Our mobile cleaning and sanitizing products help you change that, allowing you to set up cleaning and sanitizing stations wherever you need them

One of the best ways to keep surfaces clean, is by not letting them get dirty in the first place. Our hands-free products eliminate the need for customers and staff to touch doorknobs with their hands, limiting the transmission of germs and other particles.

Clean flatware is crucial. Nothing ruins a meal faster than plates or utensils that appear to be anything less than spotless. Our warewashing and handling products are a must for cleaning, transporting and storing plates, dishes, glasses, and more.

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