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Colleges and Universities

To Feed the Best in Class, You Need the Best in Class

Your foodservice program plays an integral part in the overall student experience, and with higher learning comes a higher standard. Students don’t just want their food when they want it.
They also want it to be better than your average food hall or college cafeteria. Vollrath has a long history of providing colleges and universities with everything they need to prep, cook, and serve fast, hot, and delicious meals for the college masses.

Vollrath Solutions

Cleaning and Sanitation

Keeping an entire college or university clean can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Designed for simplicity, convenience and efficiency, our cleaning and sanitation products will make it easy to keep everything clean and safe.

Meal Delivery

Our collection of food delivery and transport items are perfectly suited for food on the move, helping ensure food quality and maintaining proper temperature no matter where meals are served on campus.

Food Safety

Safety should always be a priority, but it shouldn’t be a hassle. Thankfully, products like breath guards, dispensers, and cold drop-ins help keep your food safe and your students happy and healthy.

Reduced Food Costs

Ready to cut costs without cutting corners? With our exceptionally durable and thoughtfully designed products, it’s easier than ever to streamline your operation and your budget.

Return on Investment

From lifetime warranties to industry-leading efficiency ratings, our products are the perfect example of why good investments always pay off. Whether you need steam table pans, serving utensils, or something else, we promise to impress.

Cafeteria Layout

When it comes to cafeteria design, one size never fits all. That’s why our products offer reliability and versatility, functionality and flair. Optimizing your space and meeting your unique needs has never been more stylish.

Meal Participation

Higher education comes with higher expectations, which is why presentation matters. Our eye-catching, customizable equipment pairs perfectly with your appetizing creations to make your food look just as good as it tastes.

Learn more about our College and University offerings

Whether you have questions or are ready to make a purchase, our sales agents are trained experts who will happily provide accurate guidance and information to support your needs. Please provide the following information and we will put you in contact with someone who can help. Thank you!

Vollrath Inspiration

Affordable Portable™ Features

Our Affordable Portable™ serving lines are a great value in serving equipment. Product Features Optional UL listed incandescent/infrared lighting assembly showcases...

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