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We’re the industry best in every industry.

Quality. Efficiency. Cost-effectiveness. These goals aren’t unique to just one industry. From schools to hospitals to hotels and beyond, the goal is to provide the highest quality meal possible for staff and customers. And for more than a century, Vollrath has been there to assist foodservice teams in every industry, every step of the way.

Food and Hotel Chains

For many travelers, chain restaurants and hotels are familiar faces in unfamiliar places. Guests associate your brand name with a consistent, reliable level of quality, and expect that experience no matter the location. Meet and exceed those expectations by equipping every one of your locations with a family of products that provide the same consistent, reliable high standard.

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Stadiums And Arenas

Fans don’t go to sporting events just for the game anymore. The food and drink they bring to their seats is just as important to their overall experience. Whether you’re providing a sophisticated, premium experience on the Club Level, or handling high-volume service on the Concourse, make sure Vollrath’s best-in-class (and built to UL’s NSF/ANSI standards) concession stand equipment is a part of your team.

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We don’t just design and manufacture school cafeteria equipment. We also use our expertise to provide resources that help you and your school make smarter food decisions, tackling challenges like safe food handling, cafeteria layout, and meal patterns. We also offer solutions for maintaining student safety: cleaning equipment that makes deep-cleaning and disinfecting easier, safety guards for maintaining social distancing, and breath guards for protecting food and people alike.

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Colleges and Universities

Your foodservice program plays an integral part in the overall student experience, and with higher learning comes a higher standard. Students don’t just want their food when they want it.
They also want it to be better than your average food hall or college cafeteria. Vollrath has a long history of providing colleges and universities with everything they need to prep, cook, and serve fast, hot, and delicious meals for the college masses.

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Designers and Consultants

Word-of-mouth is critical in your line of work. Doing one job right is what leads to the next. And with limited time and manpower, you could use some extra help. At Vollrath, we aim to check some things off your to-do list. In addition to our best-in-class products, we offer our design and consultant partners valuable product and inspiration resources, access to our team of experts, and the ability to create a solution if one’s not already available.

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Good food is good food, whether it’s placed on fine china and a linen tablecloth, or paper- wrapped on a plastic tray. To get that food from cutting board to customer, you need equipment that’s as good as the team running the show, pans that can withstand a few hundred risottos a night, and insulated food delivery bags that can keep your pizzas hot without sacrificing quality. Vollrath can help keep your all-star operation humming and your customers coming back for more.

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Convenience Stores

Engaging and retaining customers at your convenience store is more important than ever. The key to success is offering a lineup of fresh, delicious food options that set you apart from the rest. We offer innovative equipment, functional smallwares and creative solutions to enhance your presentation, maximize your efficiency and maintain safe operations. At Vollrath, you’ll discover the tools you need to stay ahead of evolving trends, boost traffic and sales and outperform your competition.

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Feeding an entire building’s worth of people is all about quantity in the kitchen and efficiency during service. Whether you’re a corporate, corrections, or government facility, you need commercial cooking equipment that can withstand your high-volume daily foodservice routine while also making service run smoother.

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In your line of work, the day-to-day is never the same. Saturday is a black-tie wedding. Sunday is a casual picnic. Monday is a corporate luncheon. As different as those events may be, they all require the same two things: unforgettable food and a presentation to match. Your everyday catering serveware needs to deliver every step of the way, from prep to cook to transport to service.

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Running a military foodservice program isn’t just about making enough food to feed an Army. (Or Navy, or Air Force, or Marines.) It’s about giving our country’s bravest the healthy, nutritious meals they need to stay in shape, and exceeding cleanliness and safety standards in all your foodservice kitchen equipment. We’re here to help.

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Running a foodservice program in a medical facility means directly contributing to the success of everyone involved. You provide staff with the fuel they need for a shift full of treatment, patients with the nutritious meals that help them heal, and the facility itself with a product and performance that leads to an elevated reputation. From choosing the proper buffet serveware to designing the right space, to prepping meals worth eating, Vollrath can help you every step of the way.

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Vollrath Inspiration

Direct Contact Heating System

Vollrath's Direct Contact Heating System is the ultimate in performance and efficiency. Learn more about the reasons why below. Direct Contact Heating System No Vents...

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