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Case Studies

College & University Buffet Equipment

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Vollrath Serving Systems: Lakeland University Case Study

Learn how Lakeland University used Vollrath Serving Systems to transform its on-campus foodservice operation.

Lakeland is a Liberal Arts University located in Plymouth, WI. A Division 3 school, serving 3500 students annually.

A Vollrath Case Study

Our assignment was to serve Lakeland University students with unparalleled efficiency while showcasing a whole line of fresh food options. Vollrath came through to deliver an experience that’s fast, effective and flexible enough to satisfy the lifestyle of today’s student body.

With decades of proven results and a keen sense of anticipating trends, Vollrath serves as a valuable resource to configure, engineer and manufacture a personalized serving system that’s successful for your operation.

From customization and consultation to design quality and convenience, our partnership with Lakeland University is proof of how we help our partners discover the possibilities and breadth of capabilities that Vollrath can deliver.

Download the Lakeland University Case Study

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