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Serving Systems

Delivery Centers

Vollrath delivery centers bring order and efficiency to your food delivery operation. These innovative work spaces can be customized to your specific needs with adjustable shelving and a range of storage options. They provide a proficient back of the house workspace that keeps your delivery business running smoothly and your customers happy.

Discover Customized Delivery Work Centers

Vollrath delivery centers bring order and efficiency to your food delivery operation. These innovative work spaces can be customized to your specific needs with adjustable shelving and a range of storage options. They provide a proficient back of the house workspace that keeps your delivery business running smoothly and your customers happy. Consult with your Vollrath sales representative to create your own custom Delivery Center.

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Battery Storage and Charging

Modular battery storage and charging area offers clutter-free convenience.

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Adjustable Shelving

These adjustable durable shelves lock into place based on your height preference.

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Lighting In-Frame Electrical

Light up your tasks with energy- efficient LED lighting and keep cords safely enclosed.

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Check Rail

Efficient check holder keeps orders from getting lost.

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Monitor Mount and Wiring

Monitor securely clamps to table with cords neatly concealed in the frame.

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Heat Strips

Heat strips can be installed to keepfood warm.

How to design your Vollrath Delivery Work Center

Start by selecting one of our three base sizes: 36-, 48-, or 60-inches wide. All bases include a base frame, stainless steel work surface, top and bottom shelves, delivery bag/carrier storage space and inner-frame electrical conduit. If you are looking for additional features, our delivery centers come with a host of customizable options that can be tailored to fit your needs. Options include: LED lights, heat strips, monitor mounts, check rails and more. Looking to bring your vision to life? Fill out the form below and a designated agent will connect with you to create a solution that fits your application.

Interested? Connect with a Sales Representative Today!

Our sales agents are trained experts who will happily provide accurate guidance and information to support your needs. Please provide the following information and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!


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