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Smart Solutions Made Simple

Products to help you outperform during COVID and beyond

The landscape of the foodservice industry is frequently changing, even more so with the emergence of COVID-19. And as a company that has been around for over 148 years, Vollrath has seen it all and stands ready to help you navigate uncharted waters. Whether you need to keep your customers and employees safe or make sure your operation is getting maximum profit out of each serving, we have the ideas and products to see you through. Need effective ways to clean or an idea for keeping your food piping hot on its delivery route? Don’t worry, we have plans for that too.

Vollrath: Built from change

In nearly 150 years of business, we have seen our fair share of change. That’s why we are uniquely suited to help you, no matter what the future may hold. We are working harder than ever to help your business grow. 

Social distancing requirements aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Odds are, your building wasn’t designed with this situation in mind. But don’t fret, we offer a complete line of safety guards to keep your employees and customers safe and comfortable. The acrylic panels protect against airborne germs and other contaminates and many models are mobile and can adjust to a variety of setups. We also offer custom solutions that can offer superior safety for your particular situation.

Now more than ever, cleanliness and sanitation matter. Even though COVID-19 has not been directly tied to food, bars and dining rooms have the potential to harbor this virus and foodborne illnesses remain a threat. We have front- and back-of-house products that benefit guests and staff alike. Our Companion Cart makes cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting easy, even when access to water is limited. Our hands-free products minimize the need to touch door handles. And our all-natural antimicrobial utensils fight bacteria and help ensure safer foodservice for all involved.

Some diners have always preferred to enjoy their meals from the comfort of their own homes. The COVID-19 outbreak has transitioned even more regular dine-in customers to those requesting delivery. Meeting customers where they are continues to be a vital part of success in the world of foodservice. Let us help you maintain the quality of your food, no matter where its final destination may be, with our complete line of delivery bags. Superior insulation, high-quality construction, and optional heat pads and power packs will help your food stand out in an increasingly busy delivery scene.

The front of the house gives the first impression of any establishment. But impressions are formed by more than just appearances, flow, functionality and safety also play a crucial role. We offer countless solutions for keeping things organized while protecting food and customers alike.

Though it often goes unseen by most, the action in the kitchen can make or break a foodservice operation. Proper meals begin with proper products and we have what you need to make the magic happen.

Learn more about how we can help 

The videos below highlight some of the products and solutions Vollrath has to offer. It doesn’t matter if you are delivery-only, have a dining room full of people or find yourself somewhere in-between, we offer products that will increase efficiency and profitability, maintain safety, and help assure food quality. Learn more by watching.  

Vollrath Food Delivery Bags

Food delivery has never been more in demand. So we upped our game by creating the highest-quality bags, using the latest technology. So you give customers what they want, how they want it.

Immigrants who are Vollrath Factory workers

Vollrath: Built from change

In nearly 150 years of business, we have seen our fair share of change. That’s why we are uniquely suited to help you, no matter what the future may hold. We are working harder than ever to help your business grow. 

Looking for more assistance, connect with us for a FREE consultation.

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